Men's Sunglasses
Working with the best factories in Italy, every one of our sunglasses is thoughtfully designed, meticulously crafted and features the best materials and high-standard processes that Italian sunglass manufacturers are known for.

Lifestyle Sunglasses
Style that performs, made from the most advanced and durable materials in the world.

Sport Sunglasses
Flexible impact-resistant frames in featherweight construction, and non-slip nose pads.
No Gimmicks, No Distortion, No Glare.
Cutting through the glare of the water’s surface while providing superior color contrast, you'll see your best with our melanin infused polarized lenses. Electric polarized lenses provide crisp vision, reduced eye fatigue and all around healthier eyes.
Independently Owned. Made in Italy. Since 2000.
Electric is rooted in and inspired by Southern California’s rich music, art, surfing, snowboarding, and active-lifestyle cultures. Our global headquarters is located in the beachside town of San Clemente, California.
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When it comes to protecting your eyes and the sensitive skin around them, Electric’s melanin-infused lenses do it best. Featured in all of our sunglasses, melanin blocks 98% HEV blue light, provides crisp vision, all while delivering 100% UVA/UVB protection.

Made in Italy
Working with the best factories in Italy, every one of our sunglasses is thoughtfully designed, meticulously crafted and features the best materials and high-standard processes that Italian sunglass manufacturers are known for.